Becoming the first, renowned UK ramen restaurant to team up with the creators of Japan's most beloved cup noodles, Shoryu Ramen provides a handy serving of its succulent Hakata Tonkotsu ramen to Nissin's The Ramen Masters series of restaurant-quality, instant noodles. Based on our sister restaurant's signature Ganso ramen, with fine, wavy noodles, a meaty pork bone and chicken broth, spring onion, red ginger, kikurage mushrooms and juicy plant-based meat protein to garnish, this premium cup noodle captures the hearty, umami quality of authentic, Hakata-style tonkotsu.
Completed over 9 months with Shoryu's Executive chef, Kanji Furukawa overseeing its recipe, savouring the talents of two world-famous ramen masters is made possible to enjoy anywhere in just 4 minutes.