'IGARASHI SEIMEN' Kitakata Style Umakara Spicy Ramen Noodles 303.0g, 303g

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A fiery welcome for everyone to Kitakita city's famed ramen flavour.

Greeting you with the umami-rich warmth of toasty red pepper and various spices, this Kitakita-style ramen packs a fiery punch for the famously firm noodles to soak up. Twirling and thick with a chewy texture that's just wonderful to slurp up at once, these speciality noodles are perfect at picking up the deep flavours of this spicy, salty soy sauce broth, prepared meat-free so anyone can enjoy a peppery, unique taste with their favourite toppings. Easy to fire up in just 5 minutes for a quick, flavour-rich meal, there's no need to travel across the world to experience this wonderful dish your way with these 3 servings.