'加藤吉平商店' 加藤吉平商店 - 梵 ゴールド 純米大吟醸, 720ml

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Grade / Style: Junmai Daiginjo
Rice: Yamadanishiki Special A Class
Polishing ratio: 50%
Sake meter value: -
Abv: 15%
Acidity: -

Keep refrigerated

Aged for one year at -10°C and being pasteurized only once without carbon filtration (aka, Muroka), this special Junmai Daiginjo has an enticing pale gold color and a refreshing scent and flavour. Serve chilled and in a big wine glass to accentuate the deep flavors. Serving suggestions: Its refreshing acidity makes it a perfect match with cheese and pasta dishes with butter as well as whitefish carpaccio.