'Onishi Foods' 尾西食品 - アルファ米 山菜おこわ 100.0g, 100g

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Long life, pre-cooked rice, served in savoury dashi with wild vegetables.

Add just water and enjoy a hot or cold portion of steamy, dashi-seasoned okowa rice, any time or place with this handy ziplocked pouch of instant rice packed with nourishing mountain vegetables. Made with pre-cooked "Alpha rice" instantly dried to preserve its fluffy stickiness, this long-life rice pouch is traditionally mixed with seasoned bracken, bamboo shoots, fern and fuki leaves, as well as mushrooms to maximise its wonderful, rustic texture once rehydrated. Provided with a spoon and salted bonito dashi sachet to enrich its umami savouriness, simply mix in hot or cold water with the included seasoning and wait 15-60 minutes to complete this deliciously hearty rice serving.